This week I decided to continue working on my varied, "mixmaster" human miniatures for science fiction gaming.
I did something that is completely unnatural to me - I repainted minis I had already painted!
You may want to ask how events led up to this tragic occurance, so I'll explain. I am working with GW's new Contrast paints, and the primer color has a huge impact on the final product. Some of the minis I painted last week were primed with the new Grey Seer primer, while others were primed with an older grey primer that is significantly darker (a "Codex Grey" level of darkness). This caused the finished miniatures to look very different from each other, so I reprimed a batch of the darker minis, so they would fit in with the others.
Some of the minis I've been working on over the past couple of weekends. |
Also different was working with resin parts, since I usually avoid them. I do not like to use super glue (sinus problems result), and prefer liquid plastic glues, or the old standby - Testor's model cement - so I prefer working with plastic kits if I'm doing any assembly. I generally use Testor's when I need to do a bit of filling, but it also seems to work with most (but not all) of the resins, while it appears that plastic glue sometimes works to glue resin to plastic (but only temporarily).
My hobby table (aka "kitchen table") has developed a Bermuda Triangle effect - I keep losing items that I swear I was just working with. Today I couldn't find my GW basing "sand", so used
"play sand" from the hardware store as my basing material. This batch is much finer and regularly sized than the last batch of hardware store sand I used, so doesn't look as good -
especially in the close up pictures.
This is one of the minis I had to repaint. Sisters of Faith body, Stormtrooper head, Cadian weapons. |
Another Sisters of Faith body with other (resin) parts. |
Another view of the last mini. |
Another "mixmaster", stormtrooper body and head, arms from Victoria |
Spiral Arm or Warlord legs, Cadian torso, Cadian and Raumjager arms... |
Another repaint - Cadian body, Raumjager arms. |
I wanted to try out one of the pith helmet heads I picked up... This is an RJ body with GW arms, and is a color test for "pith helmet troops" - in case I dig out my Praetorian Guard minis and finally paint them. |
I decided to do up some troops in turbans. I went with pink to add some color. Looking on the internet, a pink turban represents spring, or weddings. Maybe this regiment comes from a planet where young men must serve in the military before getting married - so they wear "wedding turbans" with their uniforms. I really hope that doesn't offend anyone. |
Here's another look at those first three. |
And three more... |
And the last four to finish up that squad. I suppose that a really great converter would have scraped together some kukri knives for them, instead of standard bayonets, but I'm not that great a modeller. |
This Garn Warrior somehow managed to miss getting primed and painted with the rest of his brethren, due to being in a mixed mniniatures box. I found him last week, while looking for some other things, so I added him to this week's project tray. This is the first metal mini I've worked with in a while. It may be the Warmachine style base, but does the basing material on this one look swampy to you? |
This week's pictures contain minis or parts from:
GW (IG and other minis),
Wargames Atlantic (Raumjager),
Victoria Miniatures (Heads, bodies, arms),
Anvil Industries (Heads, bodies, arms),
Warlord (Beyond Antares minis),
Spiral Arm Studios (Maelstrom minis),
Dream Forge (Stormtroopers),
Shieldwolf (Sisters of Faith),
Khurasan (Garn),
and possibly one or two others.
As always, I hope this inspires you. Also, your feedback is welcome, and will (hopefully) help motivate me to continue building and painting.