Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hobby Therapy 11/9 Sci Fi Human troops

Kitbashed Sci-Fi humans.  I'm not happy with the signal light on the comms specialist yet.

Life has continued to steamroller along.   Seems like forever since I got out the cutters, glue, brushes and paints, but it's a three day weekend, so I felt like I could take some time for some hobby therapy.

This session continues with the previous project - working with humanoid figures from a variety of heroic 28mm science fiction ranges.

I kitbashed together some more minis, got them primed, and even painted a dozen of them.  My motivation this weekend was Wargames Atlantic's request that customers share pictures of some of their Raumjager builds.   I didn't do many straight RJ builds today, but RJ legs, torsos, heads, and weapons were used for a number of these builds.

A couple of leaders.  The running one is an Orlock from the current Necromunda line, while the other is a Raumjager with GW Cadian arms.

Another view of the leader with the power sword (and bionic arm).

A random GW fantasy mini (he's carrying an hourglass on his belt) with a Raumjager assault rifle, and a few extra bits next to an Orlock ganger with a Raumjager head.
A mixmaster mini with a Raumjager assault rifle and an Orlock ganger with a Cadian helmeted head.
A Necromunda Palanite Enforcer with some non-GW bitz ("Heresy!" - I'm sure) and what might actually be a straight RJ mini.

I decided to paint these differently than my "Brodie Helmet" themed Cadians, but not as Chaos or GSC Cultists.   I thought that the mix of standard IG and "off-brand" weaponry and equipment would work for a Planetary Defense Force or Imperial Citizens Militia.  I'm not building these to match a list, just playing around and kitbashing some minis to help me relax.

I went with the GW Grey Seer primer, and used GW contrast paints for the major work - Militarum Green for the smocks and LBE, Nazdreg Yellow for the trousers, and Black Templar for weapons and boots.

Probably the two most lackluster of the bunch.  The power fist didn't want to glue into position the way I was hoping it would.
Hope that this post inspires you to do some hobby therapy of your own.  And, as always, feedback is appreciated - particularly if it is positive and/or constructive.

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